Saturday, January 3, 2015


With the recent release of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, I thought I would do a review of the entire series thus far. Starting with the first installment simply entitled Borderlands.


Borderlands is an action, role-play first person shooter with a very high regard for loot, often reffered to as a "shoot and loot" game. Developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K games, Borderlands was originally released October 29, 2009. It was, and as a series still is, geared toward online multiplayer for 2-4 players, but is still fun for solo play. Unfortunately the first game in the series is only playable as a single player game now, the servers that the game used for multiplayer have been shut down.

The basic plot of the game is you are one of four selectable vault hunters on a mission to locate and open a vault that is promised to have untold riches inside. The mission takes place on an alien planet called Pandora, and it is full of all kinds of creatures and bandits that you can unload millions of rounds into. As briefly noted above there are four different vault hunters you get to choose from, each with his/her own special abilities and weapon preferences. As you level up your character you can spend points on a skill tree to improve your character in various ways.

-First is Roland the soldier. His weapon preferences are rifles and shotguns, though he is proficient in all weaponry. His action skill deploys a Scorpio Turret that tracks and fires on all enemy targets within range. It also deploys an energy barrier you can take cover behind. Upgrading the Scorpio Turret provides offensive or defensive improvements, such as healing any players nearby.

-Second is Lilith the Siren. She is one of six women in existance born with mystical powers, recognized by various tattoos on their body. Lilith favors weapons with elemental properties (fire, acid, electrical and explosive). Her action skill uses her Siren powers to "Phasewalk," an ability that allows her to temporarily enter another dimension, turning her invisible to enemies and invulnerable to attack. It also increases her speed and phasing in and out creates a shockwave that damages nearby enemies.

-Next is Mordecai the Hunter. This is the character I used for my first play through of the game. I think I chose him ‘cause he reminds me of Roland Deschain in Stephen King's Dark Tower series. His weapons of choice are sniper rifles to dispatch his enemies from afar, and revolvers for up close combat. Mordecai's action skill is his pet falcon Bloodwing, which can be dispatched to attack his enemies from a distance, and after upgrading, she can attack multiple enemies and cause them to drop larger amounts of items.

-And last but not least is Brick the Berzerker, the largest of the four original vault hunters. He is a tank-style character with very strong melee attacks. Brick prefers explosive weapons and rocket launchers. His action skill is the ability to go "Berzerk." He loses the ability to fire any weapons, but his melee power vastly increases as he uses both fists to punch his enemies to death. During this time he also rapidly regenerates health.

Unfortunately there really isn't much to the story itself, at least if there is it didn't leave a big impression. Even so I really enjoy playing the game and plan on playing through it again in the near future. After doing countless quests for the people of Pandora, the vault hunters finally get the key to the vault, find it and open it. What is in the vault? Unbridled wealth? Riches beyond measure? Nope. Instead it is home to a giant alien monster that the vault hunters have to fight to the death. It was a fairly cool creature and a tough battle, satisfying overall.

There were four downloadable add-ons called:
-"The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned" which is pretty self-explanatory.
-"Madd Moxxi's Underdome Riot" which is an arena.
-"The Secret Armory of General Knox" which introduces Athena who becomes a playable character in the newest game in the series.
-"Claptraps New Robot Revolution" also self-explanatory.

I have all the add-ons but haven’t played through them all the way. The gameplay and control is very comfortable and familiar to those with first person shooter experience. The graphics are cell shaded and pretty. The sound and voice acting is great with many funny moments, and some annoying moments with the little robot known as clap trap that is your guide during certain moments throughout the game.

Overall Borderlands is a great game that is a lot of fun to play and has a high replay value.
I rate it a 7/10.

Borderlands 2 

Borderlands 2 was also developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K Games and was released on September 18, 2012. Like the first installment, Borderlands 2 is a "shoot and loot" game with a series of central quests and numerous side quests. Once again you must choose one of four (or six if you download the two additional characters) vault hunters and take them to a new vault.
However you are not the only one looking for it, Handsome Jack is venturing for it as well and he is a piece of work. Handsome Jack is, in my opinion, one of the best video game villains ever created.
The first character you can choose to be is Axton the Commando. Much like Roland in the first game, Axton's Action Skill deploys an automated Sabre Turret that fires on any enemies within its range. After a few upgrades he is allowed to deploy two turrets at once and can even stick them to walls and ceilings.
The second vault hunter is Maya the Siren. This is the character I chose for my first play through because of her healing abilities. She is also beneficial for herelemental effects and crowd control. Her action skill is Phaselock, which will suspend and immobilize enemies.
The next vault hunter is a short little Mexican named Salvador the Gunzerker. Salvador resembles Brick from the first game as far as abilities are concerned, but instead of powerful melee attacks Salvador's action skill allows him to dual wield any two firearms. Upgrading his skill can allow him to throw multiple grenades at once, regenerate massive ammounts of ammunition and health, or attract enemies with a double middle-finger taunt.
The last vault hunter is a Zero the Assassin whose origins, species and gender are completely unknown. Zero's skills are based on sniping and using a sword for melee attacks. His action skill creates a decoy and turns Zero invisible so he can sneak past or attack enemies.

That completes the list of playable chatacters that are included with the game. The next two can be downlaoded as add on content. The first downloadable character (and my favorite) is Gaige the Mechromancer. Mechromancer? What's that? Well Gaige's action skill is to summon a hulking, floating machine called "Deathtrap" to attack her enemies.
The other downloadable character is Krieg the Psycho. His action skill allows him to go on a rampage using his Buzz Axe to deal highly increased melee damage and refilling his health entirely every time he kills.

The story begins with the vault hunters answering a call from Handsome Jack to find the vault. Unfortunately it's a trap and Handsome Jack attempts to kill all the vault hunters by blowing up the train they are riding.
From that point on he constantly tries to take you out, and in turn the vault hunters try to take him out. You aren't alone though, the original vault hunters from the first game help you out periodically throughout the game. And there are a couple of twists involving certain deaths that really keep you on your toes.

Handsome Jack is a very twisted individual, but damn he is funny. This game is definately good for many laughs. Naturally Handsome Jack gets to the vault first and opens it when you arrive unleashing another giant alien creature that you have to kill. Once you kill it you get to kill Jack. In addition to the two extra characters, and countless character skins, there are also four downloadable add on campaigns.
The first one was "Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty" which, like it sounds, puts you on a treasure hunting quest.
Next was "Mr. Torgues Campaign of Carnage." The objective here was to get sponsored in an arena tournament, and of course enter the arena and leave a champion.
The third add on was "Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt." It is what it sounds like, basically a safari.
And last but definately not least was "Tiny Tina's Assault On Dragon Keep." This one is the best by far. much longer and more content than the rest. The story for this add on revolves around the vault hunters from the first game and Tiny Tina playing Bunkers and Badasses, a table top paper and dice game parody to Dungeons and Dragons. The player is dropped into the Bunkers and Badass world, Tiny Tina, as the game master, narrates the story and modifies it as she sees fit. The world is fantasy themed with dragons, skeletons, orcs and giant spiders.

The graphics, sound and gameplay are very similar to the first game with some improvements. The humor and story are fantastic, keeping me interested enough to play through the game several times on different difficulty levels.
Very high replay value. I rate this one a 9/10.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is the same type of "shoot and loot" game as its predecessors. The game was developed by 2K Australia with assistance from Gearbox Software and published by 2K games.

And let me just go on record saying nothing good ever came from Australia, aside from Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman. Thanks to the backwater Australian developing team we get to listen to Australian accents and slang throught the game, and in my professional opinion it is annoying.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel was released October 14, 2014. The story for this installment takes place both before and after the events of Borderlands 2, hence the goofy title. When the game opens up we see the remaining vault hunters from the first Borderlands game have captured Athena, previousy introduced in the add on content entitled "The Secret Armory of General Knox" for the first game, for helping Handsome Jack rise to his riegn of terror. During the interrogation Athena tells the story of her escapades with other vault hunters, it is that story that players go through and takes place before the second game.
The location for this story is on Pandora's moon Elpis and Hyperions satelite base Helios. So as a change to gameplay there's minimal to zero gravity and no atmosphere without artificial atmosphere generators. They also introduce laser weaponry, which became my preference.

Once again you start the game with four vault hunters to choose from.
The first vault hunter, naturally, is Athena the Gladiator. This is the character I played the game through with. Athena is a rogue assassin that uses a sword for her melee attack and he action skill is a shield, called "Aspis", that absorbs damage and can be thrown at enemies. (way to go Australia, can we say Captain America?)
The second vault hunter is Nisha the Lawbringer, who made her debut in Borderlands 2 as the unnamed sheriff of Lynchwood. Her action skill is called "Showdown" and it increases gun damage and speed.
The next vault hunter is Claptrap the Fragtrap. Leave it to Australia to make the most annoying character in the game a playable character. His action skill "VaultHunter.exe" generates random effects depending on the current situation that can have possitive or negative effects on the players. In other words it's totally random and may be more of a pain in the neck than anything.
The final choice at the start of the game is a mercenary named Wilhelm the Enforcer. Wilhelm made his first appearance in Borderlands 2 as the second major boss. By that time, though, he is more robot than man as he has an addiction to cybernetic upgrades. As the game progresses you see this transition take place. His action skill allows him to summon a pair of drones named "Wolf and Saint", Wolf is an offensive drone that attacks enemies while Saint defends Wilhelm by providing shields and health regeneration.
There is another character add on you can downlaod and play as, and that is Jack the Doppelganger. His real name is Timothy but he was surgically modified into a body double of Handsome Jack. His action skill, "Expendable Assets," summons several digital copies of himself to fight for him, much like what the real Handsome Jack does in Borderlands 2.
I just read a rumor that another character download is planned for a playable vault hunter named Aurelia. I have yet to confirm this.

There is one other add on available at this time entitled "The Holodrome Onslaught" that features another arena type mission and raises the level cap to 60. To be honest after reading nothing but bad things about thier planned DLC (Download Content) I personally have no plans of downloading any more for this game. Graphically this installment falls a little short of the second game and there are alot of animation glitches. The sound also has its glitches and the constant use of the Australian accent is nausiating. Overall the game was fun, albeit annoying at times, but still a decent addition to the series. I just hope future games are left to the original creaters and not in the hands of Australians.

With a moderate replay value I rate this one a 6/10.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Retro Review - Silent Hill: Downpour

When it rains, it Pours

This game review edition is brought to you in part by...Project Ninja!
The game being reviewed? Another chapter in the survival horror classic Silent Hill, entitled Silent Hill: Downpour.

Silent Hill: Downpour PS3 cover.
Silent Hill Downpour was developed by Vatra Games and published by KonamiDigital Entertainment and was released on March 13, 2012 on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 home consoles. Silent Hill Downpour is a third person survival horror game that focuses on puzzle solving, exploration and combat.

                 Players take control of, and follow the story of, Murphy Pendleton, a convicted killer who was being transfered to another prison. As the prisoner transport passes into the town of Silent Hill there's an accident, and Murphy must now make his way through the haunted town, and it's alternate verse, to escape his fate.

The large and expansive open world of "Downpour"
               Unlike previous titles, Downpour has a much larger and open world to explore, complete with side quests you can accomplish along the way. Weather also plays a big part in gameplay, the more it rains, the more violent creatures outside get, and the more of them there are. The rain seems to be mostly random, although the more time spent outside the heavier it rains. You also meet other people along the way that may be friend or enemy, you never can really tell. For example, when you make it to the church you are greeted by a nun, who at first seems friendly but when next you meet her you realize she more or less lead you into a trap. You are given several descisions throughout the game based on morality (i.e. save individuals or let them die.) and those descisions will affect which ending you will achieve, I viewed 3 out of 6 possible endings. 

                A really cool aspect that was new was the use of a forensic flashlight. You could use it to see footprints and other clues that are otherwise invisible to the naked eye. Not sure where to go? Click on the forensic flashlight and you might see drag marks on the floor that you need to follow, and those marks could lead you to a box with an important item inside. There is also a new creature in this game called the doll. The doll itself doesn't move or attack but sends shadows of herself that are invisible unless you shine the forensic flashlight on them.

New characters like: Bogeyman.

                The graphics are smooth and pretty (if you can find a horror game pretty) and the sound is very realistic, giving you that menacingly creepy vibe that the series is well known for, however all the creatures are new and, to me, lacking what the nurses and pyramid head had in previous titles. The past titles had creatures that made you feel like you were in hell, or they just came out of hell. The enemies in this game seemed more like drunken brawlers and escaped mental patients, not bad but not as intimidating. The voice acting was rather dramatic and not as hollow as previous installments.

                I had a good time playing this game and there were times i was left unsettled, however, to me this wasnt really Silent Hill. I understand they may have wanted to try something new and different, maybe take the series in a different direction, but the complete change in enemies and setting (where's the fog?) did leave me wanting and missing the classics. As an action/survival horror game it is top notch, but it should have been part of another series or a stand alone game itself with a different title.

Taking everything into consideration, I have to give it two ratings:

for a Silent Hill game I rate it a 6 out of 10
for a standalone self titled game I would rate it a 7.5 out of 10
So if you are new to the Silent Hill series, you'd probably have no complaints!

- N64

Monday, September 15, 2014

Diablo III: Review

How about a game review for something that came out a little more recently? Next up, Diablo 3!

Diablo 3 is considered by some to be an Action/RPG (role playing game) and others, like myself, would call it a dungeon crawl. Diablo 3 is (obviously) the third in the series and was developed and published by Blizzard entertainment.

I have to admit I was skeptical at first, after playing World of Warcraft I lost all respect for Blizzard, but that is another story. Originally released on PC on May 15, 2012, it was later released on home consoles (XBOX 360 and PlayStation 3) September 3, 2013, and again for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on August 19, 2014.

Like any good RPG or dungeon crawl players get to choose one of five character classes, those classes are Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor or Wizard, and are tasked with defeating the Lord of Terror, Diablo. I myself chose the Witch Doctor, but have also played other classes a bit.

Side note - an expansion pack for Diablo 3 was released for the PC editions of the game titled Reaper of Souls on March 25, 2014. On August 19, 2014 it was released for consoles in the Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition, which included the full original Diablo 3 and the Reaper of Souls expansion. My time playing the game was spent on the PlayStation 3 without the expansion.

The overall story was pretty good, but I imagine it would have been better if I had played the first two installments of the series. The graphics and sound were really well done, especially the cinematic sequences. The things I don't like about it are the fact that it was really made to encourage online gaming and it is just a beat and repeat game. Don't get me wrong I like online gaming, but I prefer playing with people I know, and I don't know anyone that owns this game on a PS3. The end of the game was disappointing, one of the worst end boss fights ever. Once you beat it the general idea is to play through it again on a harder difficulty setting to get better loot/gear. I'm all for it, IF I had a couple buddies to storm heaven and hell with.

Overall it really is a great game. It has angels, demons, zombies and other undead. How can you go wrong with that? Tons of loot and enemies and levels to be gained. My rating is a 7.5 out of 10!

- N64

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Retro Review - Silent Hill: Homecoming

In light of the trailers being released for the upcoming game entitled Silent Hills, starring Norman Reedus, I thought why not go back and finally finish and review some previous Silent Hill titles. So without further adu here is my review for Silent Hill: Homecoming.
Homecoming cover art.

 Silent Hill: Homecoming is the sixth installment in the Silent Hill survival horror video game series, developed by Double Helix G...ames. The game was announced on July 11, 2007 by Konami at their E3 press conference, and was originally entitled Silent Hill V. This entry follows the journey of Alex Shepherd, a soldier returning from war, to his hometown of Shepherd's Glen, where he finds the town in disarray, and his younger brother missing. As he continues on his search to find his younger brother, he discovers more about the Order—the cult of Silent Hill—as well as the town's history, and his own past.

The game was released on September 30, 2008 in North America for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and the Microsoft Windows version was released for North, Central and South America on November 6, 2008 exclusively through Valve's Steam digital content delivery service. All versions were simultaneously released in Europe, including a retail Microsoft Windows version, on February 27, 2009. The Japanese version was cancelled.

Being an early PlayStation 3 (PS3) release the graphics aren't the best, but they are still rather good. The sound effects are quite creepy indeed and the voice acting is pretty good as well. The story was good with a couple of unforeseen twists, but one thing I love about the series is you never really know just what the hell is going on.

The game play is a bit sluggish and "tanky" but, to me, that just makes the game that much more tense. You don't know what's behind you and you can't just turn and run away unscathed.

I have always been a huge fan of the series and this is the first time I played all the way through this one. The sound and some of the visuals really creep you out and leave you thinking "WTF?"


 Overall by todays standards I have to give this title a 7 out of 10 stars and recommend it to anyone looking to play a game that makes them want to leave the lights on.

 - N64

Retro Review - Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Our next game review is in, Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions!
Shattered Dimensions cover art

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is a video game featuring Comics hero Spider-Man. Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions blends together four universes from the Marvel Comics multiverse, allowing the player to play as four different Spider-Men. Known Spider-Man voice actors Neil Patrick Harris, Christopher Daniel Barnes, Dan Gil...vezan, and Josh Keaton voice a Spider-Man from each of their respective alternate universes.

The game revolves around an artifact known as the Tablet of Order and Chaos. When it is shattered into pieces during a skirmish between Spider-Man and Mysterio, it causes problems with multiple Marvel Universe realities. Madame Web calls on four versions of Spider-Man from four realities to assist her in bringing the realities back into balance: the Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Man 2099, and Ultimate Spider-Man.

Although this game is available on multiple platforms, I played it on the PlayStation 3 (PS3).
Graphically the game was pretty well done. The cell shading graphics gave it that comic book/cartoon look that I prefer for a Spider-Man entry. The sound and voice acting were really well done too, with our hero dropping as many smart alec one liners as he can to give a good chuckle now and then.
The story was OK but not really engaging, and some of the levels seemed more like drawn out boss battles.
Another disappointment was no free roaming exploration of any version of New York, the game is very linear, which, to me, is a down fall for a Spidey game.
Spidey in gameplay action

 The plus side the character advancement is decent and with each version of Spidey you play the game play is slightly different. The bosses are cool and two of them include two of my favorites, Deadpool and Carnage. Yes that is correct Deadpool is in this game!

Overall the game is fun and a recommended rental or borrow, but not a must own. 6.5 out of 10 stars

 - N64

Retro Review: God of War 3

The final review is in for the God of War Saga, God of War 3!
Cover for God of War 3 on the PS3

 God of War III is a third-person action-adventure video game developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE). Released for the PlayStation 3 (PS3) console on March 16, 2010, the game is the fifth installment in the God of War series and the sixth and last chronologically. The best-selling game in the... God of War series, it sold nearly 5.2 million copies worldwide by June 2012, and it was included in the God of War Saga that was released for the PlayStation 3 on August 28, 2012. Loosely based on Greek mythology, the game is set in ancient Greece with vengeance as its central motif. The player controls the protagonist and former God of War Kratos, following betrayal at the hands of his father and King of the Olympian Gods, Zeus. Reigniting the Great War, Kratos ascends Mount Olympus until he is abandoned by the Titan Gaia. Now guided by the spirit of Athena, Kratos battles monsters, gods, and Titans in a search for Pandora, the key to opening Pandora's Box, to defeat Zeus. Successful, Kratos kills Zeus and ends the reign of the Olympian Gods.
Kratos doing what he does best.

 Of all the games in this particular series, this one leaves me in awe. The graphics are amazing. The sound, engaging. It's just an overall beautiful game! One of my all time favorites for sure! The gameplay, again, remains mostly the same, but hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it.

This installment takes you to Mount Olympus, Tartarus and the Labyrinth fighting and killing all the gods and titans and even Hercules. The brutality of the kills is just awesome. Kratos literally tears Helios' head off then uses it as a flashlight throughout the game. Say, Hermes has some nice winged boots that make him run fast, Kratos cuts off his legs and takes the boots for himself. Good times! The only Olympian you encounter that Kratos doesn't kill is the goddess Aphrodite, I'll let you guess what you get to do with her. (Parental discretion is advised)

With each gods death the world falls deeper into chaos. A couple of examples: Posiedon's death brings in great floods, and Hades' death releases the souls of the dead from Tartarus. And of course, after being betrayed by Gaia, Kratos ends up killing the titans in a rather brutal manner as well.

Overall (in my opinion) everyone who owns a PS3 should own this game. I rate this an easy 10 out of 10 stars! definitely the best "hack 'n slash" game out there!

 - N64


Retro Review - God of War: Ghost of Sparta

Wait, time for another game review? Already?

That's right the next chronological installment in the God of War series, God of War: Ghost of Sparta.
Ghost of Sparta PSP Cover

 God of War: Ghost of Sparta is a third person action-adventure video game developed by Ready at Dawn and Santa Monica Studio, and published by Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE). It was first released for the PlayStation Portable (PSP) handheld consol...e on November 2, 2010, then together with Chains of Olympus, Ghost of Sparta was remastered and released on September 13, 2011, as part of the God of War: Origins Collection and the remastered version was re-released on August 28, 2012, as part of the God of War Saga, both for the PlayStation 3. The game is the sixth installment in the God of War series and the fourth chronologically. The player controls the protagonist Kratos, the God of War, following the events of the original God of War. Kratos is haunted by the visions of his mortal past and decides to explore his origins. In Atlantis, he finds his mother Callisto, who claims his brother Deimos is still alive. Kratos tries to rescue Deimos after learning of his imprisonment and torture in the Domain of Death. Climaxing in a confrontation with the God of Death, Thanatos, the battle ends with the deaths of both Deimos and Thanatos, and Kratos returns to Olympus, enraged at the gods.

The overall gameplay does not change much in any of the games in the series. If it's not broke don't fix it. Graphically it is well done by handheld standards, probably the best PSP graphics out there, but naturally subpar by PS3 standards. However the game is by far the easiest one in the series and is a lot of fun, which is probably why I got through it so fast. The sound is good as well, the music in these games really seems to keep one engaged. The voice acting, as usual, is sufficient with the occasional over dramatic. (Kratos does so much yelling in these games I think Vin Diesel would be a good actor for the role of Kratos in the upcoming movie.)

The story was really interesting and a fresh change of pace, and the character and level creation was excellent as well. Not only do you go to Atlantis and the realm of death, but you also return to Sparta for the first and last time in the game series.

Kratos returns to Sparta

 I really had a lot of fun with this installment, factoring that in with the sound graphics and game play I rate this one a 7.5 out of 10.

 - N64